Do not hesitate to contact us

Eurozel s.r.o.
Národného oslobodenia 20/A
900 27 Bernolákovo

IČO: 47 837 934
DIČ: 2024114455
IČ DPH: SK2024114455
Bank connection: Tatra banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK46 1100 0000 0029 2591 6503

The company is registered in the commercial register by the Bratislava III Municipal Court, Section: Sro, Insert number: 99636/B


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Where to find us

Of course! It is possible to visit us in person at our office on Priemyselna Street in Bernolákov. You just have to agree on the date beforehand and we will be happy to welcome you and provide the necessary information. Looking forward to your visit!

skladovacie priestory
skladovacie priestory
skladovacie priestory
skladovacie priestory